Anniversary of Nelya Efimovna Barkova
On May 17, 2019, the anniversary of Nelya Efimovna Barkova, wife and associate of Alexander Alexandrovich Barkov — the legendary director of the Izolyator plant from 1964 to 1989 was held in the Izolyator company.
Nelya Efimovna Barkova at the gala celebration of her Jubilee at Izolyator
From the very beginning of her career at Izolyator, Nelya Efimovna showed herself to be a disciplined and involved worker, performing her work with the highest responsibility and quality. Many considered and to this day consider her to be their teacher, wise mentor and the most worthy role model.
Only in 2008, Nelya Efimovna decided to retire, but she could not live out of touch with beloved enterprise. Even today, she is conducting a lot of social work with veterans of the plant, giving them the opportunity to be aware of their involvement and be proud of the labor contribution to today's successes and achievements of Izolyator.
Nelya Efimovna hands flowers to the veterans of the Izolyator plant at the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the enterprise in 2006
About all this and many other things said former colleagues who gathered to honor the dear hero of the day.
Alexander Slavinsky, Chief Executive Officer of Zavod ‘Izolyator’ LLC, proclaims kind words of gratitude and honor to Nelya Efimovna Barkova.
Chief Designer Yuri Nikitin, who had been working with Nelya Efimovna for many years, joined warm congratulations
Viktor Kiryukhin, Deputy Chief Designer, thanked Nelya Efimovna for the desire and ability to help people in all situations
Ekaterina Kupkina, leading porcelain expert up till 2018, who started her career under the supervision of Nelya Efimovna, made her speech in a really heart-touching manner:
“An exceptionally sensitive, attentive, sympathetic and modest person. The very embodiment of spiritual warmth and kind support, inspiring all those around”, - Is the unanimous opinion of all whose life course has ever intersected with this amazing person — Nelya Efimovna.
Nelya Efimovna visited the historical part of the Izolyator museum. In many events presented in the exhibition, she took the most direct and active part.
Nelya Efimovna Barkova and Alexander Slavinsky are visiting historical exposition of the museum of Izolyator
After the official part, Nelya Efimovna walked through the workshops, with which her whole life is connected.
Nelya Efimovna Barkova in the manufacturing area of the modern Isolyator — a XXI century high-tech industrial complex.
The whole team of Izolyator from the bottom of their hearts wishes Nelya Efimovna good health, energetic, long and fulfilling life, love and support of all who are near!
Participants of Nelya Efimovna Barkova anniversary at Isolyator
We are always looking forward to Nelya Efimovna Barkova visit to the enterprise; our doors are hospitably open for her at any time!