Fault-free Transformer 6.0
On 4–5 April 2019, Izolyator participated in the specialized scientific workshop 6th Fault-free transformer. Scientific fundamentals and practical solutions that work (Fault-free transformer 6.0) in Nizhny Novgorod.
The workshop was organized by Delta Trafo with an active support from Izolyator plant.
Delta Trafo is a company offering a full range of high-quality and timely services in the field of electro transformable devices, including design, production, refurbishment and repair.
Using modern design and technological solutions, Delta Trafo implements projects to improve the operating efficiency of transformers and extend their service life.
- The guests of the workshop were offered the topics, which were formulated in the result of surveys with the audience of 2017 and 2018 workshops:
- rated life of transformer equipment;
- diagnostics and quality maintenance;
- testing, degassing, regeneration and oil replacement;
- timely maintenance and repair of on-load tap changing devices;
- repair and replacement of attachments.
Fault-free transformer workshops prove useful and demanded every year, offering a discussion format for management representatives and maintenance specialists, scientists, design engineers, transformer components manufacturers and specialists in diagnostics and repair of power equipment.
Specialized scientific workshop Fault-free transformer 6.0. Scientific fundamentals and practical solutions that work in Nizhny Novgorod
- The National Study Committee D1 “Materials and Emerging Test Techniques” of Russian National Committee of CIGRE (NSC D1 RNC CIGRE) was represented by the following reports:
- A. Z. Slavinsky “Key research activities of NSC D1 RNC CIGRE for increasing power equipment reliability following the trends of 47th CIGRE session”, Izolyator plant, Moscow;
- V. K. Kozlov, A. H. Sabitov “A new method of finding polymerization of oil-in-paper insulation of transformers”, Kazan State Energy University.
In his report, Chief Executive Officer of Izolyator Plant, Head of NSC D1 RNC CIGRE Dr. Alexander Slavinsky spoke about the key activities of CIGRE toward an increased reliability of electrical equipment and activities of NSC D1 RNC CIGRE, also introducing the main destinations for Izolyator’s highly technological electrical equipment promotion.
Alexander Slavinsky is speaking about the key activities of NSC D1 RNC CIGRE at the Fault-free transformer 6.0 workshop in Nizhny Novgorod
NSC D1 RNC CIGRE members took an active part in the discussions of reports, presented at the workshop.
The importance of the topic, the representative list of speakers and positive reference of participants speak for the fact that the Fault-free transformer workshop, once again, became one of the awaited and useful events for specialists from power industry, machine building and metallurgy.
According to the participants, the program of the workshop turned out interesting and up-to-the-minute and discussions – lively and highly professional. The workshop definitely showed use for professional competences’ development.
The guests are satisfied with the results of the Fault-free transformer 6.0 workshop in Nizhny Novgorod
We appreciate Delta Trafo for the invitation and workshop organization on a high level!