Inspection tests of Izolyator bushings for the Indian company Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited
From May 27 to 31, 2019, Izolyator carried out series of inspected tests of high-voltage bushings to be delivered to the Indian state regional power company Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited as part of transformer equipment manufactured by Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd.

The Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited (TSTRANSCO) was founded in the result of India’s power industry reform.
Initially the power company of Andhra Pradesh State APSEB, which came into existence in 1959, was responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. In 1998 under Electricity Sector Reforms agenda, the State Government promulgated APSEB division into a generating company (APGENCO), a transmission company (APTRANSCO) and four distribution companies (APDISCOMs).
In 2014 APTRANSCO was divided into regional network companies: TSTRANSCO and APTRANSCO.
The central headquarter of TSTRANSCO is in Hyderabad.

Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. (TTDI) produces transformers.
Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems group is a world leader in the supply of integrated solutions for energy Transmission & Distribution.
TTDI plant located in Hyderabad.
The acceptance tests of bushings with internal RIP insulation that were inspected: 52 kV / 3150 A, 252 kV / 2000 A and 420 kV / 1250 A.
Inspection was conducted by:
TSTRANSCO Director Mr. S. Ashok Kumar,
TSTRANSCO Chief Engineer Mr. Srinivasan,
Megha India International Corporation General Manager Mr. Raghu,
TTDI Testing Manager Mr. Harshavardhan.
Megha India International Corporation is a contractor for the construction of electrical substations of TSTRANSCO.
Dmitry Orekhov, Manager of International Business Development dept. at Izolyator, actively participated in the inspection of tests. Testing was led by the head of the Izolyator test center, Dmitry Ivanov.
Participants of the inspection of Izolyator bushings made for the Indian company Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited, L-R: TSTRANSCO Chief Engineer Mr. Srinivasan, Megha India International Corporation General Manager Mr. Raghu, TSTRANSCO Director Mr. S. Ashok Kumar, TTDI Testing Manager Mr. Harshavardhan and Dmitry Orekhov
The tests were carried out in full compliance with the approved program and ended successfully.