Meeting of the National Study Committee D1 of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE
On 19 December 2019, Izolyator plant (Massa LLC) hosted a meeting of the National Study Committee D1 of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE ‘Materials and Emerging Test Techniques’.

The CIGRE National Study Committee D1 (CIGRE NSC D1) ‘Materials and Emerging Test Techniques’ was created on the basis of Izolyator Company as a regular collegial body reporting to the Technical Committee of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE (RNC CIGRE).
Izolyator company received a status of the Leading scientific and technical partner to RNC CIGRE. The agreement was concluded for the period of five years from 11 February 2016 till 10 February 2021.
Dr. Alexander Slavinsky, CIGRE Study Committee D1 Regular Member, Chief Executive Officer of Izolyator Plant LLC headed the CIGRE NSC D1.
The CIGRE NSC D1 deals with theoretic research in electric insulating materials application in high-voltage equipment.
The meeting went as a videoconference so that every participating member could have a possibility to discuss pending issues, taking decisions jointly with committee colleagues from many cities of Russia in real time mode.
So, the colleagues from the Kazan State Power Engineering University (KSPEU), Diatrans Research and Production Enterprise, Ivanovo State Power University named after V. I. Lenin, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yamal-Nenets Electricity Company of Main Power Systems Western Siberia met online and worked at the meeting.
The meeting was chaired by the Head of CIGRE NSC D1, CIGRE Study Committee D1 Regular Member, CEO of Zavod Izolyator LLC, Dr. Alexander Slavinsky.
The meeting of the National Study Committee D1 of the Russian National Committee of CIGRE at Izolyator plant in a videoconference mode
The meeting was called to summarize the results of CIGRE NSC D1 members’ activities over the period, discuss plans and other issues pertaining to the committee’s work, including:
- information on preparation for the 48th CIGRE Session;
- information on participation in the 5th International Colloquium in Croatia;
- information on participation in the work of the Joint Colloquium of the Study Committees A2, B2 and D1 CIGRE in India;
- information on the creation within the committee of a problematic work group based on KSPEU;
- information on the participation of committee representatives in the working groups of the CIGRE Study Committee D1, open for participation;
- report on the work of the committee in 2019 and plans for 2020;
- assessment of the work of the committee members at the end of 2019.
In the concluding remarks, Alexander Slavinsky thanked those present for their participation and fruitful work in 2019 and congratulated all the participants on the upcoming professional holiday — Power Engineer’s Day and the upcoming New Year.