Opening of the transformer plant Asia Trafo of Alageum Electric Group in Kazakhstan
On April 26, 2019, Chief Executive Officer of Zavod ‘Izolyator’ LLC Alexander Slavinsky took part in the opening ceremony of the transformer plant Asia Trafo of Alageum Electric Group in Chimkent, Kazakhstan.

AsiaTrafo — the largest plant in Central Asia for the production of transformer equipment. The main products of the plant are power oil transformers and autotransformers of voltage class 110, 220, 500 kV with capacity up to 500 MVA, as well as reactors. The design capacity of the plant is more than 12 000 MVA per year. Asia Trafo is located in Shymkent. AsiaTrafo is part of Alageum Electric holding company.
New Transformer Plant Asia Trafo in Chimkent, Kazakhstan
Alexander Slavinsky congratulated top-management and employees of Asia Trafo on this event.
Alexander Slavinsky congratulates the management and the staff of the Asia Trafo plant on the opening of the enterprise
During the event, Alexander Slavinsky met with the top management of the Alageum Electric holding company, which was represented by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Saidulla Kozhabaev and the Chairman of the Board of Directors Yerkibulan Ilyasov.
In addition, Sergazy Kuntuarov, General Director of the Transformer Plant Asia Trafo, and Alexander Slavinsky held a brief business meeting, which outlined strategic directions for the development of cooperation between the two enterprises.
Meeting the management of Asia Trafo and Izoiyator enterprises, in the center is the General Director of the Asia Trafo transformer plant Sergazy Kuntuarov
As invited guests, General Director of Chirchik Transformer Plant Arthur Nazarov and Advisor to the General Director, Sales Manager of the Togliatti Transformer Plant Sergey Sentemov, took part in the event. Alexander Slavinsky also met with these representatives of the electrical engineering enterprises — Izolyator partners.
Alexander Slavinsky and General Director of Chirchik Transformer Plant Artur Nazarov at the opening of the new Transformer Plant Asia Trafo in Kazakhstan
We appreciate the Asia Trafo plant represented by the General Director Sergazy Kuntuarov for invitation to this outstanding event in development of the electrical industry in Kazakhstan!