Practical class on fire safety
On May 23, 2019, a prescheduled practical fire safety exercise was held at Izolyator plant.
A lesson on the topic ‘Personnel Actions in the event of a Fire’ was held with the involvement of the forces and means of the Planet 101 Private Fire Department.
According to the plan, the lesson was held in two stages.
At the first stage, the actions of the workers of the welding section of the machine shop were tested when electric equipment ignited inside the building.
Briefing to the workers of the machine shop on how to act in case of fire
At the site of welding "fire is detected"
At the second stage, the evacuation of the personnel of the enterprise on the signal of the automatic fire warning system was conducted as well as skills in the use of fire extinguishers were worked out.
An active participant in the event was Madina Solomakhina, an employee of the insulation manufacturing shop. She successfully localized and eliminated the fire, which arose according to the scenario during the production process.
Setting a training task to eliminate fire
Madina Solomakhina confidently eliminates the fire
All the tasks set by the lesson plan were solved successfully. The company's personnel in practice demonstrated readiness for clear and competent actions in case of a fire.