Presentation of Izolyator at the Territorial Generating Company No. 2
On 28 August 2019, Director of Partner Relations at Izolyator Oleg Bakulin made a presentation about RIN HV bushings at the head office of the Territorial Generating Company No. 2 in Yaroslavl.

The public listed company Territorial Generating Company No. 2 (TGC-2) is one of the largest thermal and electric power producers in the North Western and Central Russia.
TGC-2 is engaged in production of electric and thermal power and sales (steam and hot water) to end users.
The company’s branches are located in Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kostroma, Novgorod and Yaroslavl regions and Skopje (Macedonia).
The company is headquartered in Yaroslavll.
Izolyator presented the advantages of RIN insulation in the construction design of high-voltage bushings, product range and main operating features of bushings using that type of insulation to the specialists of TGC-2.
Oleg Bakulin by the head office of the Territorial Generating Company No. 2 in Yaroslavl
The presentation raised a strong professional interest and continued with an active dialogue.