Presentation of Izolyator products at TGC-1
On August 22, 2019, Oleg Bakulin, Director of Partner Relations at Izolyator made a presentation of high-voltage bushings with RIN insulation at the head office of the TGC-1 generating company in St. Petersburg.

TGC-1 is the leading producer of electricity and heat in the North-West region of Russia.
It operates 53 electric generating stations in four regions of Russia: St. Petersburg, Republic of Karelia, Leningrad Oblast, and Murmansk Oblast.
The installed electric capacity of the сompany’s stations amounted to 7 GW and heating capacity of 13,75 thous GCal/hr.
The company is headquartered in Saint-Petersburg.
Speaker presented the advantages of new bushings, our product line-up, design and manufacturing features and basic operational characteristics.
Oleg Bakulin at the head office of TGC-1 generating company in St. Petersburg
The presentation attracted great professional interest, and in its final part during Q&A session TGC-1 specialists received comprehensive answers and clarifications on all questions.