Reference of the Main Power System of the Centre
On November 20, 2019, the Main Power System the Centre confirmed the positive experience in operating Izolyator RIP bushings with nominal voltages up to 750 kV.

Main power system of the Centre (MPS Centre) operates on the territory of Central and North-Western Federal Districts. The service area of the branch includes 17 federal subjects with 38 million inhabitants.
MPS Center is responsible for the uninterrupted operation of 23.157 thousand km of power lines and 151 substations with a total transformer capacity of 87 270 MVA.
The branch provides the electrical connection of the UPS Center with the power systems of the South, North-West, Volga, as well as interstate connections with Ukraine.
MPS Centre is a branch of Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System.
Izolyator bushings on an autotransformer of the 750 kV S/S Belozerskaya of Main Power System of the Centre, Vologda regions (photo: FGC UES)