Slavyansk High Voltage Insulators Works visit
On December 2, 2019, Izolyator was visited by representatives of the Slavyansk High Voltage Insulators Works from Ukraine.

Slavyansk high voltage insulators works (SZVI) products are delivered for completing the equipment which provides power transmission and distribution among major power engineering installations of Ukraine and CIS countries.
The enterprise products enjoy longstanding reputation both in Ukraine and abroad.
The SZVI company was founded in 1957 and ever since its sales geography had been growing and reached more than 40 countries.
The Plant is located in Slavyansk, Ukraine.
The group of SZVI representatives was headed by the deputy R&D Director, Doctor of Engineering Yuri Shumilov.
Guests were met by:
Chief Executive Officer of Zavod Izolyator LLC Dr. Alexander Slavinsky,
Deputy Director for Quality at Massa LLC Vladimir Ustinov,
Head of Massa LLC test center Dmitry Ivanov.
Visit of Slavyansk High Voltage Insulators Works (SZVI) representatives to Izolyator: second from left — deputy R&D director of SZVI, Dr. Yuri. A production tour is conducted by Dmitry Ivanov (right)
The parties discussed potential joint projects of two factories for the repair, assembly and testing of high-voltage bushings.
Negotiations with representatives of Slavyansk High Voltage Insulators Works at Izolyator
In the corporate museum, visitors have shown great interest in the main milestones of the Izolyator plant development, its modern achievements in the field of creating new insulation equipment, and successes in cooperation with major Russian and foreign companies.
Representatives of Slavyansk High Voltage Insulators Works (SZVI) in the Izolyator corporate museum
The SZVI representatives visited the manufacturing shop, where they got acquainted with the full technological cycle of high-voltage bushings manufacturing, as well as with the corresponding modern equipment.
Representatives of Slavyansk High Voltage Insulators Works get acquainted with the technology of Izolyator high-voltage bushings manufacturing
The results of the working meeting will become the basis for further development of cooperation between SZVI and Izolyator plant.