Technical Workshop at the Far-Eastern Generating Company
On 12 November 2019, Izolyator plant gave a workshop for technical specialists of the Far-Eastern Generating Company and its branches.

Far-Eastern Generating Company (FEGC) produces thermal and electric power and ensures centralized heat supply to consumers in the service areas of the power plants from Yakutia (Sakha) to the Pacific Ocean. FEGC also delivers heat to end users.
It is the fourth largest generation company in Russia by installed capacity and the largest market player in the Far East. The company’s activities occupy 1/10 th of the Russian Federation territory.
The installed electric capacity of FEGC is 5 922,93 MW, thermal — 12812,82 Gcal/hr.
The FEGC’s headquarter is in Khabarovsk.
Far-Eastern Generating Company is part of RusHydro Group.
Our colleagues from FEGC actively engaged in the workshop’s activities: Vitaly Andriyanov, Head of the Electrical Equipment Maintenance department of FEGC, representatives of the Khabarovsk Generation branch of the FEGC and the Far Eastern Distribution Grid Company.
In the videoconference mode, the seminar was attended by technical specialists from power plants that are part of the subsidiaries of FEGC.
Izolyator plant was represented by Oleg Bakulin, Director of Partner Relations, and Aleksey Pilyugin, Lead Chief Engineer.
Technical workshop of Izolyator plant in the Far-Eastern Generating Company
In the first part of the seminar, the construction design features and range of Izolyator high-voltage bushings were considered, the main provisions of factory instructions for storing, operating and diagnosing bushings were discussed.
The second part of the seminar was devoted to a more detailed study of the advantages, design and operation features of high-voltage bushings with especially moisture-resistant internal RIN insulation.
In conclusion, comprehensive answers were given to all questions from the audience on the operation of Izolyator high-voltage bushings.