WG D1.70 CIGRE Sitting in Slovenia
On 26 April 2019, a sitting of CIGRE WG D1.70 on the topic “Functionality of modern insulating liquids for transformers and similar equipment” was held in Slovenia.

34 specialists from 15 countries, working in production and operation of power equipment and dielectric liquids, lab research and R&D took part in the sitting of the workgroup.
The Russian National Committee of International Council on Large Electric Systems (RNC CIGRE) was represented by Maxim Bobryshev, Project Manager — Engineer at Department of material supplies at ElecTrade-M Ltd, member of the CIGRE National Study Committee D1 (CIGRE NSC D1). CIGRE NSC D1 base organization Massa Ltd (Izolyator) sponsored the visit.
The sitting of the international workgroup was held as a conference with presentation of materials and subsequent discussion.
The audience were presented the results of the previous researches of properties and features of modern dielectric liquids. Later, the experts discussed testing methods, criteria for results evaluation, necessity and sufficiency of some of those criteria. Besides, they discussed modern standards of lab testing and necessity to make any amendments.
Participants of CIGRE WG D1.70 sitting on the topic “Functionality of modern insulating liquids for transformers and similar equipment” that took place in Slovenia
The next meeting of the international workgroup is scheduled in the end of 2019.