Working Meeting at Main Power Systems of North West
On 14 November 2019, Director of Strategic Sales at Izolyator plant Alexander Savinov had a working meeting at Main Power Systems of North West.

Main Power System of North-West (MPS North-West) is a branch of Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System operating on the territory of the North-Western Federal District.
The service area includes 11 Subjects of Russian Federation with a population of 14 mln people.
MPS North-West is responsible for uninterruptible operation of power lines and substations with total transformer capacity over 38.7 MVA.
The branch ensures electric connection of the unified energy system of North-West with the power systems of Central Russia, Belarus and interchange to Finland, Estonia and Latvia.
MPS North-West is headquartered in Saint-Petersburg.
The meeting took place in the head office of MPS North West in Saint Petersburg.
MPS North West headquarter in Saint-Petersburg
The parties praised the results of the joint work achieved so far.
The new product designs of the Izolyator plant were also discussed — high-voltage bushings with solid internal RIN insulation, including the prospects for their widespread use in the electric grid facilities of MPS North-West.
Much attention was paid to plans for joint activities for 2020 and the further development of long-term cooperation.