Working meeting at the Manufacturing complex of Holding Company ‘Elektrozavod’
On May 27, 2019, Maxim Zagrebin, Head of OEM sales at Izolyator, held a working meeting at the Manufacturing complex of Holding Company ‘Elektrozavod’ in Moscow.

Manufacturing complex of Holding Company ‘Elektrozavod’ (MC HC ‘Elektrozavod’) is specialized in design and manufacture of transformer and reactor equipment which is traditional for the plant and has been manufactured for 80 years, for power utilities, industry and transport.
The production area of the plant is approximately 95 thousand square meters.
The MC HC ‘Elektrozavod’ is located in Moscow.
The other party was represented by the Head of the Unified Constructions Bureau of MC HC ‘Elektrozavod’ Alexander Egorov.
Maxim Zagrebin (left) and Alexander Egorov, Head of the Unified Constructions Bureau of the Manufacturing Complex of MC HC ‘Elektrozavod’", on the territory of the complex
The parties analyzed the interim results of the implementation of existing agreements and clarified the procedure for further interaction.
The technical and commercial details of the pending joint projects were also discussed.
Both parties noted the coherence of teamwork and agreed to build on the success achieved.
We appreciate MC HC ‘Elektrozavod’ for the invitation and effective cooperation!