Working meeting with Transneft Electric Network Service Company representatives
On July 8, 2019, working meeting with Transneft Electric Network Service Company representatives was held at Izolyator.

Transneft Electric Network Service Company is incorporated in the group of companies of the Transneft entity system and is a service organization.
The Company’s goal is to ensure the continuous technological process of transportation of oil and oil products via the system of trunk pipelines in the Russian Federation by providing services of transmitting electricity, technological connection and development of electricity networks through investment activities.
Transneft Electric Network Service Company is a chain organization leasing electricity network facilities in the territory of the Russian Federation and providing services of electricity transmission across Russia, an investor and a developer of external electricity supply facilities.
Transneft Electric Network Service Company was represented by deputy head of the diagnostics department, Sergey Pavlenko, and a group of specialists from the department of diagnostics and technical examination of electrical equipment.
Izolyator was represented by:
Commercial Director — 1st Deputy CEO Ivan Panfilov,
Director of Strategic Sales Alexander Savinov,
Director of Partner Relations Oleg Bakulin,
Lead Technical Support Specialist Viktor Kiryukhin.
Participants of the working meeting of Transneft Electric Network Service and Izolyator, second from left — Sergei Pavlenko, deputy head of the diagnostics department at Transneft Electric Network Service
According to the previously approved program, the meeting began with a visit to the corporate museum, where representatives of Transneft Electric Network Service got acquainted with the century-old history and today's achievements of Izolyator.
Representatives of Transneft Electric Network Service at the Izolyator company museum
Then a presentation of Izolyator plant took place where its products and practical results of cooperation with leading Russian and foreign energy and industrial companies were shown.
Representatives of Transneft Electric Network Service at the presentation of Izolyator, its products and practical results of activities
On the next step of the working meeting program was an excursion to the workshops of the enterprise, during which all the stages of the modern production technology of high-voltage bushings with solid internal RIP and RIN insulation were shown to our guests.
During the tour we openly discussed all the questions of interest with necessary clarifications and comprehensive answers.
Representatives of Transneft Electric Network Service at an automated winding machine in the Izolyator insulation production workshop
Vladimir Ustinov, Deputy Quality Director at Izolyator, presented the equipment of the test center and introduced our guests to the finished products testing process.
Representatives of Transneft Electric Network Service at the Izolyator test center
At the end of the excursion, Transneft Electric Network Service representatives gave a high assessment of the technological equipment and production culture at Izolyator plant.
The guests also noted the need to include RIN-insulated bushings to the list of equipment approved for use at Transneft facilities. The use of such bushings completely eliminates the wetting of their main insulation, which dramatically reduces the damage vulnerability of power switching equipment and allows to maintain the technical characteristics of the bushings nearly unchanged for an unlimited time during their backup storage.
Taking these new characteristics of high-voltage bushings, the need for holding in-depth seminars for technical specialists of Transneft and its branches by Izolyator was noted.
According to the results of the working meeting, it was decided to provide Transneft Electric Network Service company with all the necessary regulatory documentation on bushings with RIN-insulation.
In the general opinion of the parties, all the activities of the working meeting were extremely effective and in full accordance with program.