Workshop in Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company
On 11 July 2019, Izolyator gave a workshop for management representatives of the technical divisions of the Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company.

Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company (KEGOC) has been established according to Government Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1996.
KEGOC has been appointed the System Operator of the Unified Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan (UPS of Kazakhstan), and its main task is to maintain steady operation of UPS of Kazakhstan and reliable control of the National Power Grid pursuant to current engineering, economic and ecological requirements within the government policy.
Izolyator was represented by Head of CIS & Baltics Sales Maxim Osipov and Lead Technical Support Specialist Victor Kiryukhin.
Workshop of Izolyator in Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company
The management of technical divisions of KEGOC at the workshop:
Head of Production and Technical Service Ilsur Gabdullin,
Deputy Head, Substations, Serik Zhanakhmetov,
Chief Specialist Diagnostics Malik Nurutdinov,
Chief Specialist Diagnostics Didar Akhmetzhanov.
Management representatives of the technical divisions of the Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company at Izolyator’s workshop, L-R: Chief Specialist Diagnostics Didar Akhmetzhanov, Deputy Head, Substations, Serik Zhanakhmetov, Head of Production and Technical Service Ilsur Gabdullin, Chief Specialist Diagnostics Malik Nurutdinov
The workshop was mainly dedicated to the advantages of the construction design of high-voltage bushings with solid RIN insulation.
The experts also discussed issues, connected with the specifics of operation and diagnostics of Izolyator HV bushings that are presently operated at KEGOC facilities.
The workshop went as an interesting dialogue, with KEGOC specialists receiving exhaustive answers and comments on all questions.
The sides marked a high efficiency of the event and expressed a shared intention to develop these forms of cooperations.