XXIX Conference of the TRAVEK International Association
On 5 and 6 June 2019 in Moscow, Izolyator took part in the XXIX conference of the International Association TRAVEK devoted to the topic of ‘State and future outlooks for the power industry and high-voltage electrical equipment. Transformers. Switching devices. Converters. Control and diagnostic systems’.

International Association on transformers, high voltage equipment, electrical ceramics and other spare parts and materials (International TRAVEK Association) implements the business cooperation, contributing to marketing, manufacturing and technology development, to ensure product competitiveness in world markets.
Association holdings international symposia electrical elite countries-participants, organizes seminars and company presentations.
Chairman of the Board of Directors at Izolyator, Dr. Alexander Slavinsky is Vice President of the International TRAVEK Association.
The conference was held with the support of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (State Duma), the Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Minpromtorg), Rosseti Group and the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System (FGC UES).
The conference was attended by managers and technical specialists of companies — consumers of high-voltage electrical equipment, representatives of enterprises manufacturing electrical equipment both in Russia and overseas, leading scientists, developers, representatives of research and design organizations, universities.
XXIX Conference of the TRAVEK International Association in Moscow
Izolyator was represented at the conference by Dr. Alexander Slavinsky, Vice President of the TRAVEK International Association, Chief Executive Officer of Zavod ‘Izolyator’ LLC, Head of CIGRE National Study Committee D1 and Dmitry Lopatin, Technical Director of Izolyator-AKS LLC.
Alexander Slavinsky (left) and President of the TRAVEK International Association Viktor Kovalev in the Presidium of the XXIX Conference
Dmitry Lopatin made a presentation on aspects of the organization of modern production of cable fittings in Russia, dedicated to the new product line of the Izolyator Company.
Dmitry Lopatin on the stage of the XXIX Conference of the TRAVEK International Association in Moscow
A number of business meetings on the sidelines of the conference were held by Maxim Zagrebin, head of OEM sales at Izolyator.
Technical Director of Togliatti Transformer Andrei Kanivets (left) and Maxim Zagrebin at the XXIX Conference of the TRAVEK International Association in Moscow
Maxim Zagrebin (left) and Chief Designer of Transformer and Reactor Equipment of Uralelectrotyazhmash plant Aleksey Borisenko at the XXIX Conference of the TRAVEK International Association in Moscow
Following the results of the work, the conference participants signed a decision memorandum reflecting the achievements outlined in the reports, promising directions for the development of equipment and power systems, as well as containing recommendations to companies — consumers and manufacturers of high-voltage electrical equipment.
Discussion on the sidelines of the XXIX Conference of the International Association TRAVEK in Moscow
The decision memorandum will be sent to government structures (State Duma, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Minpromtorg and others), Rosseti Group, FGC UES, Rosenergoatom Concern, RusHydro Group and other Russian organizations, as well as conference participants and members of TRAVEK Association.