Study tour for students of the National University of Science and Technology MISIS
On 22 February 2022, a study tour was held at the Izolyator Production Complex for students of the Department of Certification and Analytical Control of the College of Environmentally Sound Technologies & Engineering of the National University of Science and Technology MISIS.
The Department of Certification and Analytical Control of the College of Environmentally Sound Technologies & Engineering of the National University of Science and Technology MISIS trains specialists who meet modern challenges in the field of quality. The department implements two main areas of educational and research activities: analytical control and certification of materials by chemical composition and quality-based management to achieve sustainable success for the organization. The College of Environmentally Sound Technologies & Engineering trains specialists for the branches of economics and science related to metals and their derivatives. Training of qualified specialists in the field of materials technology, mechanical engineering, standardization and metrology, quality management, technosphere safety is being carried out. The National University of Science and Technology MISIS (MISIS) is a leading research and educational center in Russia for creation, implementation and application of new materials and technologies. The university trains specialists in materials science, IT, metallurgy, mining, linguistics, quantum technologies, biomedicine, engineering, materials design, production technologies, sustainable development, and so on.
The activity was held as part of the undergraduate practice of 2nd-year students of the ‘Metallurgy Quality Management’ master's program.
Study tour of the Izolyator Production Complex for students of the Department of Certification and Analytical Control of the College of Environmentally Sound Technologies & Engineering of the National University of Science and Technology MISIS
The tour was conducted by Viktor Kiryukhin, Lead Technical Support Specialist with the participation of employees of the Office of the Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety (IMS Bureau).
The event began with a visit to the corporate museum. Here, students got acquainted with the century-old history of the enterprise and the evolution of its products, technical achievements, the structure and activities of the divisions of the Izolyator Group.
MISIS students in the museum of the Izolyator Group
Further, the tour continued in the shops, where the guests were introduced to the key technological stages and processes of production of high-voltage bushings: preparation of materials and processing of parts, production of internal and external insulation, assembly production, testing of finished products.
Visit to the machining shop
Acquaintance with the technology of manufacturing the internal insulation of high-voltage bushings
At the same time, at each stage, special attention was paid to the organization of the functioning of the IMS and its impact on the quality of the intermediate and, as a result, the final product.
Overview of assembly operations
Tour participants in the test center of the Izolyator Group
As a result, the study tour went in full accordance with the plan of undergraduate practice for MISIS students, having substantively and meaningfully replenished the knowledge base of future specialists.
Social partnership is the core corporate value of the Izolyator Group, which is practiced in cooperation with leading Russian institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. For students of partner educational institutions, study tours of production facilities are held on a regular basis, and their graduates come and successfully work in the divisions of the Izolyator Group.