Presentation day of Rosseti Centre and Rossetti Centre and Volga Region
On 17 March 2022, Izolyator Group took part in the presentation day of Rosseti Centre and Rossetti Centre and Volga Region.
Rosseti Centre is a leading electric grid company of Russia. The Company operates in 11 regions of Central Russia, providing electricity to the population, large industrial companies and enterprises of transport and agriculture, socially important facilities, performing grid connection of new customers. The company is headquartered in Moscow. Rosseti Centre is part of the Rosseti Group.
Rossetti Centre and Volga Region is the main provider of electricity transmission and electric grid connection services in the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Tula Regions, as well as the Republic of Mari El and Udmurt Republic. The company is headquartered in Nizhny Novgorod. Rossetti Centre and Volga Region is part of the Rosseti Group.
Presentation goals:
- monitoring the market of new electric power equipment, materials, technologies, innovative solutions and services for the electric grid complex;
- informing the specialists of Rosseti Centre and Rossetti Centre and Volga Region about innovative equipment, technologies and materials, the use of which will improve the technical and economic performance indicators;
- implementation of equipment, technologies, materials and services accepted in the result of the presentation days in the ‘pilot’ project format in the power grid of the companies;
- informing service providers, manufacturers of electric power equipment about demands and needs to develop technical solutions, equipment, services planned for implementation in the Rosseti Centre and Rossetti Centre and Volga Region companies.
The presentation day was organized as a videoconference and hosted by Chief Specialist of the Directorate for Innovation and Import Substitution of Rosseti Centre, the managing organization of Rosseti Centre and Volga Oleg Konorov, with the participation of specialists from all branches of Rosseti Centre and Rosseti Centre and Volga Region.
Presentation day of Rosseti Centre and Rossetti Centre and Volga Region companies in the videoconference mode
Manufacturers and suppliers of electrical equipment were invited to the event, whose products were pre-qualified according to the following criteria: the possibility of using them at the facilities of Rosseti Centre and Rossetti Centre and Volga Region; novelty; competitive advantages; improved technical and economic indicators in comparison with counterparts.
At the presentation day, the Izolyator Group was represented by: Sales and Business Development Director (Russia) of Izolyator Group Alexander Savinov, Technical Director at the Izolyator-AKS High-Voltage Cable Accessories Plant Viktor Pshennov, Head of the SVN-Service Department Alexey Pilyugin and other employees of the Group's divisions.
Representatives of Izolyator Group — participants of the presentation day of Rosseti Centre and Rossetti Centre and Volga Region
Alexander Savinov made a report in which he presented the result of brand repositioning — the Izolyator Group, its core values and structure, as well as the activities of its divisions:
- development and production of high-voltage AC and DC bushings with solid internal RIP- and moisture-resistant RIN-insulation for 12 to 1200 kV voltages, technical and operational advantages, prospects for use in the power grid;
- production of Izolyator-AKS cable accessories of 126–252 kV voltages, the scope and lineup, design and advantages;
- activities of the Massa Izolyator Mehru Pvt. Ltd. a Russian-Indian Joint Venture created for the production, maintenance and sale of high-voltage bushings with RIP insulation for voltage up to 420 kV for power equipment in India and other Asian countries;
- services of the SVN-service Center for highly qualified maintenance, comprehensive diagnostics, warranty and post-warranty repair of high-voltage bushings at any power facilities, including Russian and foreign nuclear power plants;
- activities of the Izolyator Corporate University to improve the skills of employees of the enterprise and partner companies, developed in the framework of the corporate ideology based on the uniform concept and methodology;
- market research and development of promotion strategies for partners of the Izolyator Group;
- deliveries of products worldwide.
At the end of the report, the representatives of the Izolyator Group answered all the questions of the specialists of the electric grid companies in detail.
The event ended successfully: Rosseti Centre and Rossetti Centre and Volga Region got a full picture of the essence of the renewed brand and the range of activities of the group’s divisions.
The Izolyator Group confirmed the strict implementation of all previously concluded agreements, regardless of any incidental factors.