To the Anniversary of Alexander Slavinsky
On 26 August 2022, the head of the Izolyator Group, Dr. Alexander Slavinsky turned 60 years old.
Congratulations to our leader, a wonderful person Alexander Slavinsky on his Jubilee!
It is only the kind of people of a rare character, fortitude and purposefulness that for more than a quarter of a century, in an era of rapid change, can successfully lead and develop one of the key enterprises in the industry, make sometimes life-changing decisions, and be responsible for the entire team and each employee on a daily basis.
It is a difficult task to measure in words a person of such magnitude and experience, to select accurate and comprehensive epithets, indeed. And yet: strong charisma, excellent leadership qualities, commitment to the cause of life, amazing performance and constant focus on moving forward, a rare ability to see the distant image of the future and steadily go towards the goal, the unconditional authority of a recognized expert and the broadest professional horizons, sincere respect for anyone to a person and unfailing benevolence, the gift of true generosity and kind participation in the lives of many, many people, a brilliant sense of humor and versatile erudition - this will be said by anyone who is familiar with Alexander Slavinsky, or who works under him.
We wish our hero of the day excellent health, long years of active and eventful life, the indispensable accomplishment of everything planned, well-being, understanding and true friendship, devoted love!
Believing in its leader and firmly following him the team of the Izolyator Group
Alexander Slavinsky