Plant tour for students of the Moscow Aviation Institute
On 24 February 2022, Izolyator Group hosted a study tour for students of Institute No. 5 ‘Engineering Economics and Humanities’ of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).
The visitors — 12 fourth-year undergraduate students of Department 501 ‘Management and Marketing of High-Tech Industries’, majoring in Production management at enterprises of high-tech industries.

Department 501 ‘Management and Marketing of High-Tech Industries’ of the Institute No. 5 ‘Engineering Economics and Humanities’ of the National Research University ‘Moscow Aviation Institute’ trains professional mid- and top-level managers capable of managing high-tech enterprises, international industrial corporations, modern manufacturing clusters. Institute No. 5 is one of the largest educational departments of the university, leading an active educational and research activity in economics and management. The National Research University ‘Moscow Aviation Institute’ (MAI) is one of the leading high-tech universities in Russia, providing training for engineering personnel and conducting advanced world-class scientific research in the field of aviation and astronautics.
The tour was conducted by CEO of Zavod Izolyator Dr. Alexander Slavinsky.
Before the start of the event, Alexander Slavinsky presented the Izolyator Group, its goals and positioning in the domestic and international electrical markets, and the focus of each of the Group's divisions.
Alexander Slavinsky introduces the Izolyator Group to the students of the National Research University ‘Moscow Aviation Institute’
In continuation of the topic, the students saw the exposition of the corporate museum, which presents more than 125 years of history of the Izolyator plant, as well as modern achievements of the enterprises that are part of the Group.
Inspection of the exposition of the corporate museum
The first enterprise visited by the students was the Izolyator Production Complex. Here they got acquainted with modern technologies for manufacturing and testing of high-voltage bushings, production organization and a stag-by-stage control of product quality.
Tour of the high-voltage bushings assembly shop
Students of the Moscow Aviation Institute in the test center of the Izolyator Production Complex
Next, the students visited another production facility — the Izolyator-AKS high-voltage cable accessories plant. Here, they were also presented with the technical, technological and organizational aspects of the manufacture and testing of cable fittings of voltage classes 126–252 kV.
Acquaintance with the production of high-voltage cable accessories at the Izolyator-AKS plant
In the final part of the event, the students were treated to an exciting game prepared by the employees of the Izolyator corporate university — the quest ‘Let there be light!’, the tasks of which were formed on the basis of the excursion that had just ended.
In the process of solving the tasks of the quest, the students showed keen interest and initiative, clearly demonstrating their teamwork skills.
Teamwork on the tasks of the quest ‘Let there be light!’
The best of the best were awarded a personal certificate of the winner, the rest of the participants were also presented with a personal certificate of participation, and everyone received souvenirs with the symbols of the Izolyator Group.
One of the winners of the quest ‘Let there be light!’
The students warmly thanked the organizers of the study tour and the quest for a rich, interesting and professionally useful program of stay in the Izolyator Group.
A visit to the Izolyator Group has become a bright and unforgettable event for students of the Moscow Aviation Institute