From the results of the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia to the Prospects for the Development of the Power Industry
On 29 March 2023 the head of the Izolyator Group Alexander Slavinsky gave a lecture to staff members on the history of birth and the most significant results of the implementation of the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia, as well as an overview and analysis of global trends in the energy sector.
GOELRO (State Commission for the Electrification of Russia) is a body created in 1920 to develop a project for the electrification of Russia after the October Revolution of 1917. The abbreviation is often deciphered as the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia, that is, the product of the GOELRO commission, which became the first long-term economic development plan adopted and implemented in Russia after the revolution. The restoration of the destroyed economy was considered in the plan only as part of the program — the basis for the subsequent reconstruction, reorganization and development of the country's national economy. In total, it was designed for ten and fifteen years with a clear adherence to the deadlines for specific work. The so-called program ‘A’ of the GOELRO plan, which provided for the restoration of the country's destroyed power sector, turned out to be completed already in 1926. And by 1931, the minimum ten-year period of the program, all planned indicators for power system construction were exceeded. By the end of the fifteen-year period — by 1935 — the Soviet power industry reached world-class level taking the third place after the USA and Germany.
The event went in accordance with the curriculum developed by the corporate university for employees of the Izolyator group of companies, including the individuals in the succession talent pool.
Lecture on the Izolyator corporate university program, dedicated to the results of the implementation of the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia, as well as an overview and analysis of global trends in the energy sector
The plan for the electrification of Russia, whose centenary was celebrated in 2020, gave a tremendous impetus to the industrial, social and mental development of the country and society, going far beyond its direct purpose — the electrification of the national economy.
So the first part of the lecture was devoted to exactly those, understood in a broad sense, results of the historical plan, as well as the antecedent events.
Lecturer — Head of the Izolyator Group of Companies, Vice-President of Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of the Russian Federation Dr. Alexander Slavinsky
Students are team members of the Izolyator Group, including the talent pool
Alexander Slavinsky, using the factual historical material, revealed both the economic and socio-political prerequisites for the emergence of the plan; gave a chronology of the main stages of implementation and outlined the key developers of the project.
A fragment of a lecture on the stages of the implementation of the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia
Turning to the key results of the plan implementation, the lecturer highlighted the following: the electrification of the national economy and the beginning of the priority development of the country's electric power industry; the formation and strengthening of the socio-economic system of the state; an unprecedented growth in all sectors of the national economy and the transition to the planned economy; the beginning of consolidation and the formation of a new identity of a society capable of implementing large-scale technical projects and meeting the challenges of the time.
In the second part of the lecture Alexander Slavinsky gave a brief analysis of the prevailing concepts for the further development of the world power industry, highlighting their main driving forces, arguments and prospects for implementation.
At the end of the lecture detailed answers were given to all the questions of the students regarding the topics raised.
Networking at the end of the lecture
For a lively and fascinating narration filled with many facts and digressions, as well as for extraordinary erudition, the lecturer was awarded the applause of a grateful audience.
Audience Applausing
The Corporate University improves and develops new educational programs aimed at the continuous professional growth of employees of the Izolyator Group.